Monday, November 24, 2008


I'm thankful for my teachers especially Tammy, Deanna, Duane, and Mr W. haha I guess there all my teachers haha. But seriously I'm thankful for all of them for letting me work hard in school and letting me try catch up on my works. Second I'm thankful for my parents for everything (we always thank them for everything) Third thing that I'm thankful for is my friends. Most people know why we have friends and how we're thankful for them. I think thats what I'm thankful for this year. bye bye:P


Irniaq said...

I'm thankful that I get to know you, Muk. And not just because of your basketball skills, but because I like who you are!

Stay home and sleep in lots this weekend...get it all out of your system. ; )

Makaveli said...

Hey Mukull'AQ!
yeah I know and it's thanksgiving almost, not gunna have 5 days of no school, eh:P
yeah, we get to sleep lotsss you know mukull'aq?
hehe aight

Uyang' said...

Hey Muku! haha, how thankful you are! thanksgiving feast today, n' i can't really wait. I'm thankful that I know you, Muk. You know how we roll, haha. thank you.

*Born To Ride* said...

haha, teachers...dummaaay:))

Pretty said...

Yeah...I am thankful for the teachers too...if it wasn't for them than how far would we have made it through school?? LOL!:). What else are you thankful for??:P. Jk

buggz said...

peq peq peq........boom!!!!! now i got something to eat. haha....time to eat now. that's what i give thanks for. wheres the gravy? oh yea it already passed. time for christmas. this is what me and pat made when we were bored. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A CRAPPY NEW YEAR!! lol...quyana muks. now give me qangqiiq pukuk!!

Makaveli said...

Hey Muku
you had fun on your tanksgiving? me i had fun
what you do? me nothing just stayed home haha lol
how was it?