Monday, November 24, 2008


I'm thankful for my teachers especially Tammy, Deanna, Duane, and Mr W. haha I guess there all my teachers haha. But seriously I'm thankful for all of them for letting me work hard in school and letting me try catch up on my works. Second I'm thankful for my parents for everything (we always thank them for everything) Third thing that I'm thankful for is my friends. Most people know why we have friends and how we're thankful for them. I think thats what I'm thankful for this year. bye bye:P

Monday, November 17, 2008

Eskimo Dance

Here in Kasigluk, most students from Akiuk like to dance. Most of all little kids are interested to learn other different daces. Some ask us what time are we dancing our when are they dancing. And sometimes we talk about dancing how it was fun and learning new songs or dance. I think its important to keep our traditional going and making little kids dance. I think thats all.

Monday, November 10, 2008


During Halloween it was fun dancing being a gorilla and my friend being Elvis with a big nose.. People kept laughing when we danced funny (it was kinda embarrassing when we had to take off out mask) but it was alright.. it was the best carnival I ever had i guess:P

Fast?.. Slow?

What would I choose fast or slow motion? Fast motion because school and other things would be done if you guys know what i mean:P haha... Fast motion would be better for me.